i am not a career blogger. i am an offical unofficial person who writes only to see their thoughts in a cool font.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

i dont miss la, but i do miss a paycheck.
i need one of those soon.

but goddam the sex is good in texas, i will tell you that.
i am in austin.
i sit here while i wear short shorts, pigtails, and little red boots.
i would never don this outfit if it werent for all the texasness that surrounds me.
by texasness i mean fuckity fuck it is as hot as the devils balls in this state.
i have been spoiled by la.
dear la, the valley is the arctic compared to this shit, seriously.

so, we drove here.
it took 2 days, 2 cars, 2 walkie talkies (popozao*), and 4 dogs.
those two days happened to be the fourth of july and the fifth of july.
the fifth means nothing to most people.
but it was my 28th bday.
the fourth we were in some generic hotel in new mexico.
i jumped in the shower and matt went to walmart.
he came back with cheese, triscuits, a six pack of shiner, and some fireworks (holy shopping list-god bless the walmart).
it was raining.
so we drank and watched a superman special on the history channel.
at midnight matt surprised me with walmart cheesecake and a beautiful rendition of the song they sing you when you were born on said day.
the next morning we packed up.
and i saw a gift and card on the cheap veneer hotel table.
the card made me cry.
the gift made me freakin' sob until i almost barfed.
it was so sweet.
we pulled into our new home around 10pm that night.
just in time to meet a group of visiting la folks for some bday drinking.
since then, i have been to home depot enough times that i can keep up a conversation with anyones dad and/or grandfather forever.
i dont like feeling domestic.
that is why i still havent unpacked.
matt is perfect.
he is unpacked and whizzing about with the energy of that annoying kid in second grade.
maybe i am jealous.

i dont like texas.
but i do like austin.
they have movie theatres that serve beer.

*the beloved ballad by mr. kfed and me and matts sign off for our walkie talkies during the trip.


Blogger Warwick said...

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11:10 AM

Blogger Warwick said...

Sorry. I'm an idiot. I completely forgot our wrap party was Sunday night. I loved finding your ranting messages the next morning though. I shoot tonight and tomorrow night, then I'm off this weekend if you want to go grab a drink or two or seventeen.

Since you love the word fuck as much as I do, watch this...


2:35 AM

Blogger robotheart said...

what was the giiiiiiiiift.

and happy birthday, hillbilly.


9:08 PM

Blogger robotheart said...

i was going to go to that artwalk. my girlfriend genevieve lives there and has for years...the paintings sound wonderful. and so does matt. im happy for you, lady.

2:42 PM

Blogger CS Jennings said...

hey. we're not hillbillies in texas. we got no hills.

m-hmm. god bless texas and its dress code.

glad you're hear.

and, by the way, i was in san diego last weekend. you know the temp? 114 degrees. shoo dog.

10:11 PM


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