i am a super hero.
a soft warm lovable dyslexic super hero.
i am off to save the day!
beware dog kickers!
beware jerk wads!
beware snotty fake tanned wanna be la girls with your stupid fake smiles and your high pitched giggles...
okay, the last one is a bit personal.
but i have only had caffeine and midol today.
mmmmmm! love them boobies!
8:20 PM
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8:20 PM
9:12 AM
i just searched for plane tickets to austin for sxsw...not that im coming...but that combined w/ the fact ive been totally missing you of late made me temporarily think i might.
9:31 AM
haha, i totally know who you're talking about. be careful....moles may haunt you in your dreams.
11:52 AM
Are you doing anything this week for South By? I'm going to be rock and/or rolling out at day shows all week. Free beer is pretty cool. schlitzdrinker at gmail dot com.
11:44 AM
I totally broke my liver this weekend.
7:53 PM
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