the holidays were cool.
and by cool i mean my mom visited for thanksgiving and we pretty much havent spoken since.
which made for a nice christmas. really. she stresses me out, so not being on speaking terms kinda took the load off and i enjoyed myself.
does that make me a bad person? i am going to go with no, its pretty convenient for me to believe that.
again, christmas was lovely. i got things that i really wanted.

(a peacock duvet matt and i saw on an art walk months ago...he is damn good.)
and others that i didnt even know i wanted.
matts mom and sis picked out jewelry for me, which is quite brave of them. when my mom used to shop for me, she told me she would pick out the ugliest thing she saw, and it would be my favorite present. maybe thats what they did too, b/c i am in love with what they got me.

(a crazy gorgeous necklace and a watch made out of copper colored safety pins)
after xmas has just been doing alot of nothing. which i have had no time to do lately. theres always alot of somethings, not enough nothings. i havent had to work all week, so we have done alot of shopping for bowling balls.

and chairs.

(a hell of deal at a thrift store, couldnt pass it up...even though we didnt need it at all)

(a new chair for my work was damn hard to find one tall enough and not absofuckinglutely hideous)
and i have hung out on myspace way too much.
i have found old friends and some relatives too.
both of which i dont know what the hell to say to them past the polite 'how've ya been' bullshit.
after the novelty of 'holy shit, i cant believe i found you' wears off, you remember why you lost touch in the first place.
its fun to feel like a detective i guess.
well, i am off to watch my 10th movie in 48 hours. b/c i can.
and as for new years i am going to pet my dogs more, hold myself back for the 'contact me' button on myspace, and take more pictures of matt--he's cute...there should be photographic evidence of this.

i AM cute! there SHOULD be evidence.
adn we should WALK our dogs more too. the dog whisperer would want us to.
happy new years! woo!
9:55 AM
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