i am not a career blogger. i am an offical unofficial person who writes only to see their thoughts in a cool font.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

i am not going to say a word.
i am going to wait.
for 2 weeks, i will wait patiently.
by patiently i mean i will be watching each second pass not fast enough.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

i went to the dentist this morning.
most of the afternoon was spent drooling on myself and sounding way too much like cindy brady.
'theriothly guyth my whole fucking fathe ith numb, thtop laughing at me ath-holeth!'

Friday, April 21, 2006

so...imagine a girl.
she drenches her bosom with lotsa water.
apparently boys like this.
this is hot.
now replace the water with freshly poured coffee.
not that is hot.
really hot.
no. really.
my bra smells like starbucks.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

i have large boobies and tearducts.
if it weren't for these 2 (actually 4) attributes, i am sure i would have to be much nicer.
thank you boobies and tearducts.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

i am not going to write about my sex life.
i am not going to write about how having 2 new pups may be ruining said sex life.
uh uh.
i just want to know how the reproducing types actually continue to reproduce after the first success.
b/c these guys are work. and they will never even talk or need to go to college.

can one be so manipulative that they are able to manipulate themselves into believing that they are not manipulative?
i think i may do this.
wait, no i don't.

Monday, April 10, 2006

can you stand it???
  • i am jealous of me.
  • Friday, April 07, 2006

    what is better than sushi, you ask?
    free sushi, i say.
    oh, and seeing a smokin' hot ex and thinking...
    'nannynannybooboo, my bf is hotter than yoo-oo.'
    and his penis isn't crooked.

    Wednesday, April 05, 2006

    when you are on your boyfriends computer looking for a flattering picture of yourself for your myspace (you lame hipster), whatever you do--DON'T, i repeat with emphasis, DO NOT click on that instant message that is saved in his pictures folder named 'friends'.

    because it just might be him im'ing that one girl that you met that one time...yeah, you know the one, your boyfriend slept with her, just that one time-before he met you of course...and you are like, 'her, really? oh, dear bf were you depressed? or recuperating from the eye surgery?'
    okay, but the girl, she may not have clothes on in this paticular saved im/picture exchange...and your bf is telling her how sexy she is...

    you may want to scrape that part of your brain that has stored these images...and binge drink.
    so just save yourself---your brain and your liver, too.


    Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    i think my new fave word is scrot.
    short for scrotum.
    2 syllables are way too many for me.
    i am a girl on the go.
    if i had a nickel for everytime that extra syllable has cost me a nickel...
    i would have a--um (math---it cost me a nickel-so that makes me negative a nickel--but then i get a nickel for everytime this happens--so that makes--oo oo oo, i know)
    a nickel.
    but not a nickel profit, mind you.
    i would just come out even.
    scrot really isnt that lucrative is it?

    nickel is a weird looking word.